The Apex Podcast

Casual Monday: Leveraging Mentorship and Building Self-Worth

May 09, 2023 Apex Communications Network

Welcome to Casual Mondays. Yes, we know they are being released on Tuesdays - but we record them every Monday so... deal with it.

In these episodes, Jan and RJ talk about their weekends and whatever adventure is coming up that week.

Today Jan and RJ talk about their approaches to mentorship and building self-worth. They use stories and examples from RJ's bodybuilding career and Jan's military background to compare and contrast different ways of:

1. Identifying a Good Mentor
2. How Seriously to Take Their Advice
3. What your goal as a mentee should be

After spending some time talking about mentorship, they change pace and discuss their journeys of building self-worth, and steps you can take to start giving yourself more credit on a daily basis. Especially if you are someone that has big dreams that feel really far away. We all have to start somewhere, and making sure you have a strong sense of self is super important as you chase that dream.

If you enjoyed this episode and know someone else that would love to hang with us on The Apex Podcast...

Share it with them!

If you’re listening, and someone with an amazing story comes to mind, we’d love an introduction! Even if the person has never been on a podcast before, we would be honored to be their first interview. Please submit a “Guest Referral” form here.

We pride ourselves on our relationships and our ever-growing network of professionals around the globe. If you have experience in consulting, search engine optimization, marketing, or sales - we’d love to hear from you. We regularly send out referrals to members of our network. 

Trying to start your own interview-style podcast? Jan created a template that he uses for every interview, and we want you to have it - download it here.

Follow Us on Social:

Jan Almasy:

RJ Holliday:

James Warnken:


